IDF soldier killed in exchange of fire in Nablus

IDF soldier killed in exchange of fire in Nablus

    St.-Sgt. Ben-Zion Haneman photographed moments before he was killed.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    An IDF soldier, Staff Sergeant Ben-Zion Haneman, was killed this morning in the Ein Beit Ilmeh refugee camp in exchanges of fire between IDF forces and Palestinian terrorists during IDF activity against terror infrastructure in the West Bank city of Nablus. Another IDF soldier was lightly wounded and was evacuated to hospital for treatment.

    The purpose of the IDF activity in Nablus was to locate and arrest terrorists who were planning to infiltrate into Israel and execute terrorist attacks. IDF forces uncovered a concealed storage space containing two M16 assault rifles, several improvised hand grenades and additional ammunition. In 2007 ten explosives labs for the manufacture of bombs were discovered in Nablus, as well as numerous other weapons. In 2006, 117 of the 187 suicide bombers arrested in Judea and Samaria came from Nablus.

    During the exchanges of fire, an armed gunman was killed. In addition, a wanted Hamas operative and a wanted operative from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine were arrested and taken for questioning by security forces.

    Summary of briefing by Commander of the Judea and Samaria Division, Brigadier General Noam Tivon, on the IDF activity in the Ein Beit Ilmeh refugee camp:

    The Central Command received a security alert that indicated that a terrorist attack was being planned in the Ein Beit Ilmeh refugee camp in the city of Nablus. The attack was being jointly planned by operatives of the Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror organizations. In light of this warning, IDF forces entered the area in order to prevent the execution of the terrorist attack. IDF forces arrested a number of terror operatives involved in the planning of the terrorist attack.

    During the activity there were several clashes at close quarters between IDF soldiers and armed Palestinian gunmen in the camp. During one of these clashes, an IDF soldier, Staff Sergeant Ben-Zion Henman, was killed by the gunmen's fire. IDF forces fired back at the gunman who shot Staff Sergeant Henman and identified hitting him. I would like to salute Staff Sergeant Henman, who had almost completed his service, yet continued to stand, side by side with the rest of his unit, and to send my condolences to his family.

    Weaponry uncovered in civilian home in Nablus operation
    19 Sept 2007

    IDF and Border Police forces continue to operate against terrorist infrastructure in the Ein Bet Ilmeh refugee camp in Nablus in order to prevent the execution of a terrorist attack jointly planned by operatives of the Hamas and the PFLP terror organizations.

    IDF forces uncovered today the following arms in a civilian Palestinian home in the refugee camp: bomb-making materials, ammunition and a combat vest which is used to carry bombs and ammunition. This is in addition to a concealed storage space which was uncovered yesterday. The storage space contained two M-16 assault rifles, several improvised hand-grenades and additional ammunition.

    During the operation, the IDF and the District Coordination and Liaison Office are doing the utmost to assist the Palestinian population which is not involved in terrorist activity.

    The humanitarian assistance coordinated during the day included the following:

    • Evacuation of Palestinians in need of medical treatment, among them an 8 month old baby who was suffocating and was spotted by an IDF force in the area. The soldiers treated the baby and called a Red Cross ambulance which evacuated the baby, along with his parents, to hospital.
    • Access of crews of the Nablus Municipality to fix a water-system failure.
    • Delivery of food products into the refugee camp by Red Cross teams.